Crafts ~ Recipes ~ Our New House ~ Book Reviews

March 2, 2013

Puppy Love

My poor puppy. He cut his foot on some serious ice two weeks ago and it is still not healed enough for him to be able to play outside. He’s going a little stir crazy.

We got rain two weeks ago on top of the snow and it made a thick crust. Doug took both dogs out to cut firewood with him and somehow in the course of the day Griffin, our shorthair, cut his foot. It was bad, like, you could see inside it bad. But, it was also very clean and being that it was a Saturday night, I decided to clean it up and bandage it at home. I used antibacterial ointment and gauze and wrapped him up. Thankfully, he is has not chewed on it or tried to remove the bandage.

Also thankfully, it has remained infection free and so we have not had to take him in to our vet. It is healing so slowly and he is going absolutely stir crazy.  I have never had to play doctor to a deep cut like this before and it makes me nervous, but I’ve been changing the bandage every night and making sure it isn’t swollen or hot, so I think he’ll be okay. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? Anyone else have dogs that they worry so much about?

Other than that, this is a busy weekend, I get to go up to see my sisters and my nieces and nephew and Doug gets to go fishing. It’s March 1st people, here in the northwoods we are on the downhill slide to spring!

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