Crafts ~ Recipes ~ Our New House ~ Book Reviews

March 7, 2013

My Pinterest Obsession

I am at the point in the house building process where I just want to start packing up my current house. Anything that we don’t use everyday, I have the urge to box it up and get it out. My husband has pointed out to me more than once when I have brought this up, that we don’t even know that we will for sure be building this spring. Phsshhh…details.

I am stalled out creatively at this point because I don’t want to make any updates to our current house, knowing that we are leaving at some point in the near future. So, what have I done about this? I’ve turned to many blogs and Pinterest for many ideas for the new house. So many ideas, that I am going to need to go back and organize my pinboards or I won’t even know what I have.

So, if you know of anyone who has great pinboards for new home construction, or just fun boards you like to follow, let me know. I’d love to check them out. And if you would like a window into my style, go ahead and follow one of my boards…I’ve linked to them below.

Hope you are having a great week so far, happy pinning!

1 comment:

momto8 said...

hope all is going exciting!...and love your pins!