Crafts ~ Recipes ~ Our New House ~ Book Reviews

December 29, 2011

Hungry for More - Book Review

I just finished the first book in The Hunger Games trilogy. How did I not know that I should have been reading this a long time ago?! Seriously.  It took me 4 hours to finish the book. There were several things that made this a page turner for me. The concept was totally new. It’s not vampire or spell bound or historical fiction, it’s simply a new idea that truly intrigued me. I loved it. I went on Barnesand Noble’s site last night and ordered the whole trilogy. Nerd, I know.
 I can’t wait to get my hands on the next two books. I have already warned my husband that I will be unavailable for conversation for a few days once they come. Possibly unavailable for laundry and meals as well. He’ll deal with it, he knew what he was getting when he married me. But in all seriousness, did anyone else love this book as much as I did? Anyone else wish that it had been longer and contained more details (not blood and gore details, just more information)? Anyone else fall head over heels in love with a book and read it front to back until you are done?
Maybe I am just an oddball. Probably, actually. Anyway, I loved it. Go. Read it. Come back and tell me all about it.

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